Sound Masking System to Reduce Office Noise Distractions and Protect Speech Privacy
Over 15,000 companies trust Cambridge Sound Management sound masking to create more productive, secure, and comfortable offices.
Sound masking is the “cover” portion of the equation. Sound masking is the addition of an unobtrusive background sound, similar to airflow, to reduce the intelligibility of human speech and reduce distractions. The resulting environment leads to greater productivity and increased privacy and comfort.
Our patented sound masking technology makes human speech less intelligible in the workplace.
How effective is sound masking?
Increased Privacy
In a laboratory study between 2006 and 2008, researchers found that the addition of sound masking increased speech privacy from 35% to 90%.
Increased Performance
Researchers found that study participants had a nearly 10% improvement in their ability to recollect a series of numbers and words after the addition of sound masking.
Increased Productivity
In a 2008 survey, researchers found that workers lost an average of 21.5 minutes each day to conversational distractions.
Increased comfort
48% of survey respondents reported that conversational distractions were the leading cause of workplace discomfort.
How do I create the ideal acoustic environment?
When designing an optimal acoustic environment, consultants typically consider a variety of elements referred to as the ABC’s of acoustic design. In an ideal environment, the design elements would Absorb, Block and Cover sound. Consultants balance these elements to reduce conversational distractions while designing an open, aesthetically pleasing office.